5 months ago I told you about a totally accessible park in Texas called "Morgan's Wonderland". This Saturday night ( September 18th 2010) Dee and I will be at the park for a "black tie" banquet. It is called the "Free to Soar" Gala which is a fundraiser for the park and it also will honor five people who have in someway contributed to advocating and supporting people with disabilities. Their names will be put within some lighted walking path stones on the "Walk of Fame" around the park.
Without me knowing about this event my wife Dee submitted my name as a possible honoree because of my over 30 years of advocating and speaking around the country to educators and families in support of people with disabilities. Well. lo and behold. about a week ago Dee received an email from the general manager of the park inviting us to San Antonio to attend this $100. per person Gala.
We will be flying off to San Antonio. I felt very honored to be the first of many that will be named in the coming years on this "Walk of Fame".
If any one is in the area you are invited to attend. You can read about it online at www.morganswonderland.com
We will put up some photos when we get back home.