Sunday, December 23, 2012

It's Christmas time 2012 and time to say Hello!

My wife Dee and I have had a very busy year. We traveled to see my mom and dad in Kenmare the end of June. It was great to spend some time with them. We also did some camping for a few days in North Dakota by the Peace Gardens for the 4th of July. During that time we enjoyed having a boat ride on Lake Metigoshe with a professor from Minot State that is using my book in her class in the special education department. It was good to see her and her family and the weather was nice and cooler than it was at home in Wisconsin. It was a hot summer.

In July of this year Break Through Inc. received a grant from the South Dakota Developmental Disability Council to do a full month tour in October. This was the second time we received a grant. In April, Break Through Inc. was given a small grant from that council to do a short tour for me to speak on the subject of disabilities and bullying. I spoke to about 1700 students in about 10 schools. At that time, our first stop was in Rapid City for Easter Sunday and we had two days to ourselves with gorgeous 70 degree sunny weather. On Easter Monday we drove around the Custer Wildlife area to look at the buffalo and deer. We were the only car on the road!

In October it was a month long tour. We did about 26 different schools and organizations around South Dakota and spoke to about 4300 students/teachers. My main message was about "bullying" other people. The students made commitments not to be involved with bullying.

During our October tour we had the opportunity to visit Joy Ranch outside of Watertown, SD. It is a faith-based outdoor camp and retreat center. It is totally accessible camp and it is built as an old prairie town of the 1800's. The camp sits on a hill overlooking a small lake out in the prairies. We are looking forward to possibly working with them in the future. This is their website--

Once again I was involved with Lake Wapogasset Bible Camp as a resource staff and it was a very successful summer. The camp bought my new booklet on bullying entitled "Last One Picked, So What! We can turn it around. I was able to give out copies to the high school Tim Teams. I had a great discussion
with them about bullying.

Dee and I once again went to the "Widening the Welcome" conference in Columbus, Ohio in November.
It is sponsored by the United Church of Christ Disability and Mental Health Ministries. It was a great conference and I did a workshop for them on hospitality, mental health and disabilities within the congregation and community. There were a lot of great workshops and speakers.

This January, Dee and I will be traveling again to Rapid City, SD to look at a long term contract for Break Through Inc with Black Hills Works. Black Hills Works is an organization that works with persons with disabilities trying to give them some work opportunities and also to help them find work and independent living within their communities. We are very excited about this opportunity and look forward to our conversations with them to help Break Through fulfill their mission within the Rapid City area.

This opportunity in Rapid City is only a part of our mission and Break Through will continue to advocate in other areas throughout the country. So today we are asking you to be a part of that by helping with your financial commitments. As you know, Break Through Inc. has it's Ten/Ten team of supporters who can donate either on a monthly basis of $10. or more per month or as a one time gift. You can donate online via our website at or send check to Break Through Inc. PO Box 284, Amery, WI 54001

Dee and I will be going to the Lake Wapogasset Christmas Dinner Theater in December. Dee was not able to sing in the choir this year due to the fact we were traveling during choir practice times. Dee has been involved with the Dinner Theater since 2005.

Dee and I hope you have a great Holiday Season.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!